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Deploying an EMP Contract

This tutorial will show you how to deploy an ExpiringMultiParty (EMP) contract by using the UMA launch-emp repository. By following these instructions, you will be able to launch a custom EMP on the Kovan testnet or Ethereum mainnet.

Alternative contract deployment tool#

As an alternative to deploying your contract manually, you can use a community made synthetic token builder. The builder allows you to deploy the same EMP contracts as the tutorial below. It offers an easier deployment process, but less options for customizing deployment parameters.

Please note: this tool has been used to successfully deploy contracts to mainnet, but is community built and maintained. Please use at your own risk.

Standard deployment process#

This is the high-level EMP deployment process that you will need to follow.

  • Verify that your desired price identifier and collateral type is available on the network you wish to deploy your contract to.
  • Clone the UMA Protocol launch-emp repository.
  • Install system dependencies.
  • Customize the deployment script's empParams to meet your desired contract design.
  • Acquire an Ethereum node url.
  • Run the deployment script on a local fork.
  • Run the deployment script to deploy to Mainnet or Kovan.

Before deploying a mainnet contract, it is highly recommended that you have tested liquidation and dispute bots ready to deploy. Without a network of liquidation and dispute bots, a mainnet contract is vulnerable to attacks.

You should also take care to correctly parameterize your contract. As an example, all contracts using volatile price identifiers or collateral currencies should parameterize a collateralRequirement above 1.2.

Is your desired price identifier and collateral type supported?#

Before deploying a contract, you should verify that your desired price identifier and collateral currency is already approved on the network you are trying to deploy to.

View approved price identifiers and currencies here:

To add a new price identifier or collateral currency to mainnet, please propose one to UMA voters by following the instructions detailed here.

To add a new price identifier or collateral currency to Kovan, please contact the UMA team in Discord.

Clone the Launch EMP Repo#

The following steps require the git CLI to be installed. If you are on Windows, you can install via Git Bash Shell (link).

  1. Navigate to the UMA launch-emp GitHub repository.
  2. Clone the repo in your CLI by running the following command in the directory you wish to work from.
git clone

Install System Dependencies and Packages#

To use this repository, you will need to install Node.js v12 and Yarn. We recommend using nvm to manage node versions.

Note: these additional dependencies are required -- you may or may not have them on your system already:

  • libudev
  • libusb

These dependencies are installed on MacOSX by installing the XCode Developer Tools. For Linux, the example ubuntu installation command for additional steps is:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev

Once these dependencies are installed, you will need to install the repository packages. From within the launch-emp directory, run the following:


Customize EMP parameters#

To customize the type of EMP that you will deploy, you will need to modify your local version of the launch-emp/index.js script. Using your favorite text editor, navigate to the empParams line within index.js and edit the parameters to meet the design of your contract.

For an in depth explanation of all the EMP parameters, view the EMP Parameterization instructions.

Please note the following important parameterization guidance.

  • expirationTimestamp should be the exact Unix timestamp that your contract should expire at. It is recommended that you set this to 10:00 pm UTC on your desired expiry day.
  • collateralAddress lists the token address of an approved collateral currency on the network you are trying to deploy to. As an example, deploying a contract collateralized by WETH to Kovan should use the Kovan WETH address 0xd0a1e359811322d97991e03f863a0c30c2cf029c.
  • priceFeedIdentifier matches the exact name of the approved price identifier that you would like to use.
  • collateralRequirement should always be at or higher than 1.25.
  • minSponsorTokens should be targeted to approximately $100 of value at your synthetic token's expected price. If your synthetic token is expected to be worth $1, minSponsorTokens should be { rawValue: toWei("100") }.
  • liquidationLiveness and withdrawalLiveness should almost always be at least 7200 seconds.
  • excessTokenBeneficiary should be set to the UMA contract store by default. 0x41AF40Eb92Bec4dD8DA77103597838b3dBBD3B6f for Kovan and 0x54f44eA3D2e7aA0ac089c4d8F7C93C27844057BF for Mainnet.

Deploy an EMP on a Mainnet fork#

It's a good idea to try out your deployment on a fork before running it on mainnet. This will allow you to run the deployment in a forked environment and interact with it to ensure it works as expected. Please make sure to verify that your contract parameters match the network fork you are trying to use. As an example, you should use a Kovan collateral currency address if deploying to a Kovan fork.

The type of fork that you are creating will depend upon the node you are referencing in If using Infura for a Kovan fork, will follow this format:


If using Infura for a mainnet fork, will follow this format:


From within the launch-emp directory, start ganache.

yarn ganache-fork YOUR_NODE_URL

In a separate terminal, run the deployment script (it defaults to using localhost:8545 as the ETH node, which is desired in this case). Note: mnemonic is optional here -- without it, ganache will use its default pre-loaded account.

node index.js --gasprice 50 --mnemonic "your mnemonic (12 word seed phrase)" --priceFeedIdentifier USDETH --collateralAddress "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2" --expirationTimestamp "1643678287" --syntheticName "Yield Dollar [WETH Jan 2022]" --syntheticSymbol "YD-ETH-JAN22" --minSponsorTokens "100"

Now you should be able to use localhost:8545 to interact with a forked version of mainnet (or kovan) where your contract is deployed.

Deploy an EMP on Mainnet or Kovan#

Now that you have tested your deployment on a fork, you can deploy to mainnet or Kovan.

First verify that your contract parameters within the script match the type of deployment that you are trying to perform. At a minimum, you should verify the following:

  • collateralRequirement is not less than "1.2" for volatile assets, and never less than "1.05".
  • collateralAddress lists the token address of an approved collateral currency on the network you are trying to deploy to.

Before deploying, please note that the script will deploy to the network that your node URL is for. If using Infura for a Kovan deployment, YOUR_NODE_URL will follow this format:


If using Infura for a mainnet fork, YOUR_NODE_URL will follow this format:


You should also verify that you have ETH for the network you are trying to deploy to.

You can now run the deployment script. From within the launch-emp directory, run:

node index.js --gasprice 50 --url YOUR_NODE_URL --mnemonic "your mnemonic (12 word seed phrase)" --priceFeedIdentifier USDETH --collateralAddress "0xd0a1e359811322d97991e03f863a0c30c2cf029c" --expirationTimestamp "1643678287" --syntheticName "Yield Dollar [WETH Jan 2022]" --syntheticSymbol "YD-ETH-JAN22" --minSponsorTokens "100"

Once deployed, the script will list the address of your newly deployed EMP. A successful output will look like this:

Simulating Deployment...Simulation successful. Expected Address: 0x44978157afE92c926619EBB54599bbc483eBe871


After following this tutorial, you will have successfully deployed an EMP contract! You will need to navigate to your contract address on Etherscan and mint an initial position to set the GCR. This can be done by calling the create(collateralAmount, numTokens) function. Here is a full walkthrough of minting tokens via Etherscan.

View this documentation for a full explanation of available EMP functionality.